


Christopher: I guess first and foremost, what do we think of Fergie’s new brunette ‘do that she debuted at the March of Dimes 34th annual Beauty Ball last week? I like it, although I think she looks a bit like one of the Kardashian girls. What about the outfit you’re asking. Well, I do like the super-short beige dress with its over-sized sleeves. In fact it’s the sleeves that really have me loving this dress. I am also totally diggin’ the ‘80s inspired neo Jimmy Choo heels. What do you think, Steph? Are they too in-your-face ‘80s for you?
His Verdict: Style Winner

Steph: Too in your face? What do you think I am, a prude? Nah, actually Chris I think the shoes are really fun. They spice up the monochromatic look she’s got going on. I think it would have been way to “blah” without the splash of orange. I’m so-so on the hair though. The shade is okay, it just seems way too flat-ironed and a tad too Goth for me. I think the dress is a good mix of sexy and classy. Overall, a nice effort.
Her Verdict: Style Winner

(credit: Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/WireImage)

MSN Fashionism Style Winners & Losers 是我每周必读。不过本周实在没有什么特别值得评论的人。

喜欢Fergie的这双Jimmy Choo,很新鲜又不会过于引人注意。 但和她身上这件乳白色的迷你洋装搭配起来奇怪了点。 这件洋装的重点是露腿,但是黑色的鞋带遮住了性感的脚踝是其一败笔。 洋装的门襟怪怪好像偏了一边,不知道是不是没有穿好? 洋装的大袖子是很好看啦,但是这样的设计很多一般般的牌子也有,对我来说并不特别。 头发嘛,是有点Goth,如果把下面那段黑色的剪掉,长度就差不多了,还比较能接受。
总而言之在我心中Fergie虽然不是顶漂亮却一直都是很有个人风格的,这次着实令人失望。 不过,她确实比我去年在上海见到时瘦了哦。
My Verdict: Style Loser

去年Black Eye Pees为四川镇灾特别来上海表演

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