
Why people get married?

Mrs. Clark (by Susan Sarandon) on why people get married~

Mrs. Clark: All these promises that we make and we break, why is this do you think, that people get married?

Mr. Devine: Passion.

Mrs. Clark: No.

Mr. Devine: Interesting. Cause i would have taken you for a romantic. why then?

Mrs. Clark:
Because we need a witness to our lives.
There's a billion people on the planet...
i mean what does any one life really mean?
but in a marriage,
you are promising to care about everything,
the good things,
the bad things,
the terrible things,
the mundane things,
all of it,
all the time,
you are saying:
your life will not go unnoticed because i'll notice it,
your life will not go unwitnessed because i will be your witness.

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